Tuesday, January 23, 2007

February Pick for Work Book Club

This is the February Pick for my work book club. I am almost done with it, an easy read. I did not read Prep which the author also wrote, and based on this one, even though I am a true prep at heart, I don't know if I would. The writing and subject matter is just a bit too juvenile. I am not done yet though so I will post my review when I am done!

Girls Book Club February Pick

This is the February Pick for the girls book club, I have not started it yet, but it looks good. It is a long one, so I know I need to get started soon!

All This Belongs to Me by Ad Hudler

We started a book club here at work. We meet once a month in a conference room over lunch. There are five of us girls. This was the first book, and I chose it since I started this group. None of us liked the book. . . .It was a tough read, we could not relate to any of the characters and the story was completely predictable. I will research a better book when it is my turn again!

I would NOT recommend this one.

The Kite Runner by Khaled Housseini

This was the last book that I read for the book club I joined this past summer. I had read this book about a year ago and I really enjoyed it but it was nice to be able to discuss it with other people. I love to read, but I always find it more enjoyable to share the experience with others.

The boy just had a friend come back after spending over a year in Afghanistan so the imagery really hit home with me. I thought this was a great story not only from a political view point, but a great coming of age story and all of the changes and turmoil that you go through based on decisions and opinions that you form along the way.

I highly recommend this as a read, not light, but it is a novel and not a memoir.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

"Vanishing Acts" by Jodi Picoult

This is a good book. I have read a couple of things by her and I have always really enjoyed her. She creates characters that are so real I just love them. She also creates characters that just break my heart. I have two other books that I should post too that I am reading for two different book clubs. I am hoping to find more time to read in 2007, I think I will.