Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Confessions of a Shopaholic

My sister gave me a stack of books that I have been needling my way through and this was one of them. It was a good and easy read over the weekend. She also gave me the Shopaholic & Sister book, but I see that the next one is line is her taking Manhattan. Not sure if I should pick that up or give it a rest. It kept me reading, but I was not over the top on it. I am also going to continue with Workin' That Preppy's book club for the fall. I have picked our book for September, look for a post later today on My Outside Voice.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Something Blue. . . .

So this is the next book right after Something Borrowed by Emily Griffen. I picked it up Wednesday and I am almost done. Two reasons for this, after reading Something Borrowed it was easy to just keep reading and two, this one reminds me of a couple of different people I know and gives me a little insight.

I still do not understand how some people can just be so self-centered and selfish that they do not even see themselves, but again too, it also explains how people can begin to see themselves through life changes. Good easy read. Should finish it today, but I don't think I am going to continue on with Baby Proof right away by Emily Griffen, in fact I have decided to continue Workin' That Preppy's book club so that we can keep on reading for the fall. I think I have even picked our first book. Look for a post later today!

**I finished this over the weekend, I really enjoyed it and passed it along to my sister as well as something borrowed. I enjoyed both of them and at some point would like to pick up Baby Proof as well. It was nice to see the way the ending turned out.**

Something Borrowed-Girls Bookclub

LOVED this book. It is a great read, very quick read too. Really makes you examine friendships, relationships, how important they are and which ones really last. Just started "Something Blue", so I am looking forward to that one as well!

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Big House-May Blogland Bookclub

LOVED this book, took me back to the Cape, just in the nick of time! Also reminded me how much I love family vacations and all of the memories that come with them!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult

I am reading it now for book club, so far so good. I will get back to you next week with a re-cap.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

February Pick for Work Book Club

This is the February Pick for my work book club. I am almost done with it, an easy read. I did not read Prep which the author also wrote, and based on this one, even though I am a true prep at heart, I don't know if I would. The writing and subject matter is just a bit too juvenile. I am not done yet though so I will post my review when I am done!

Girls Book Club February Pick

This is the February Pick for the girls book club, I have not started it yet, but it looks good. It is a long one, so I know I need to get started soon!

All This Belongs to Me by Ad Hudler

We started a book club here at work. We meet once a month in a conference room over lunch. There are five of us girls. This was the first book, and I chose it since I started this group. None of us liked the book. . . .It was a tough read, we could not relate to any of the characters and the story was completely predictable. I will research a better book when it is my turn again!

I would NOT recommend this one.

The Kite Runner by Khaled Housseini

This was the last book that I read for the book club I joined this past summer. I had read this book about a year ago and I really enjoyed it but it was nice to be able to discuss it with other people. I love to read, but I always find it more enjoyable to share the experience with others.

The boy just had a friend come back after spending over a year in Afghanistan so the imagery really hit home with me. I thought this was a great story not only from a political view point, but a great coming of age story and all of the changes and turmoil that you go through based on decisions and opinions that you form along the way.

I highly recommend this as a read, not light, but it is a novel and not a memoir.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

"Vanishing Acts" by Jodi Picoult

This is a good book. I have read a couple of things by her and I have always really enjoyed her. She creates characters that are so real I just love them. She also creates characters that just break my heart. I have two other books that I should post too that I am reading for two different book clubs. I am hoping to find more time to read in 2007, I think I will.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner

This is the first book that I read for the new book club that I joined. It was an easy read and was entertaining. The book is chick lit, and not something that I would normally pick up, unless I just wanted an easy read for the plane or the beach. I liked it though and I will definitely read something by her again. I thought that the four main characters were a little far fetched, but I think that what the author did was blend a little bit of herself into each of the characters. I liked my first book club discussion with this group because they actually discussed the book and talked about their opinions. Our next book is "The Terrorist" by John Updike so look for that in upcoming postings.

Things I Have Read

Here I am going to post the books I am reading or current reads. I thought this would not only be a good way to track what I have read, but also to share with other's what I think about them.