Thursday, September 07, 2006

Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner

This is the first book that I read for the new book club that I joined. It was an easy read and was entertaining. The book is chick lit, and not something that I would normally pick up, unless I just wanted an easy read for the plane or the beach. I liked it though and I will definitely read something by her again. I thought that the four main characters were a little far fetched, but I think that what the author did was blend a little bit of herself into each of the characters. I liked my first book club discussion with this group because they actually discussed the book and talked about their opinions. Our next book is "The Terrorist" by John Updike so look for that in upcoming postings.


Monogram Momma said...

Have you read "good in bed" by JW? I also just finished "I love everybody (and other atrotious lies)" by Laurie Notoro and it was HYSTERICAL. I also really recommend "Bitter is the New Black" by Jen Lancaster. Another one that will seriuosly have you laughing out loud.

Bossy Bar-Wife said...

I echo everything MM just said. I love all of Jennifer Weiner but I think "Good in Bed" is the best. I love to talk about books, so keep it coming!

Anonymous said...

I loved "Bitter is the New Black"!

Monogram Momma said...

OK had to check back and update: I just finishes reading "goodnight nobody" by Jennifer Weiner and it was really good. Murder/Mystery with a sarcastic and humorous tone to it, so it was right up my alley!

Monogram Momma said...

OK had to check back and update: I just finishes reading "goodnight nobody" by Jennifer Weiner and it was really good. Murder/Mystery with a sarcastic and humorous tone to it, so it was right up my alley!